Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Project 1: First Idea

So, I'm supposed to be thinking of ideas for my first stop motion.. and uhhh... i like cereal. a lot. and i was eating mini-wheats yesterday. so here's my first idea. forgive my horrendous handwriting, (i've always hated it) and equally horrendous sketching (thats just cuz i'm doing it quickly.) =)
Basically, cereal has been poured, but there's a handful of mini wheats in the box that really wanna join the mini-wheat cereal party with their good man Milk, sooo, they climb down the box and then discover they cant get into the bowl. They formulate a plan to use the spoon as a ramp and work in a team to build a little mini-wheat ladder so they can climb up to the spoon and weight it down. In the process, a mini wheat or two get sacrificed, and there is a shot showing the sad, crushed mini wheat catastrophe. The rest of the mini wheats mourn for about a second then they carry on with the mission. Everyone climbs up the spoon and into the bowl only to discover that they're about to be eaten by the big scary human that suddenly appeared. Fin! [there are also some details that i left out, and obviously more that will come into play as i work on this.. if i decide on this idea.]
Click to enlarge

Hopefully more ideas to come..

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