Saturday, January 9, 2010

About Moi..

Well, as everyone I know here has already found out, I am from the Dominican Republic, moved to Miami when I was 14 for highschool, and then ended up here in G'ville. I had no idea what i wanted to do, and only recently did i found out that i actually really do like where i am, in the art department, and that if i wasnt in it id be a little sad, to say the least. Oh, and I'm taking French this year, after stupidly quitting once in elementary school, then again in middle school. I am hopeful. :)
I'm really bad at these "about me" sections, because i try to avoid generic listings of generalized interests but im really bad of thinking of the more important stuff on the spot. so.. no judging :)

I'm a big reader, always have been, thanks to my schoolteacher mom. Some favorites.. The Eight, The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, A Clockwork Orange, Another Roadside Attraction, Harry Potter series, everything by Augusten Burroughs, David Sedaris, and Roald Dahl. Also some Chuck Palahniuk.
I am completely in love with music, as i was sure everyone was until i actually met someone who couldnt be any more indifferent about it (this baffled me completely). I would have actually been musically talented by now if i had kept up with my piano/guitar lessons... ultra-Fail Gaby. For musical interest details.. just ask.
I love the beaches in DR, because i associate them with childhood surfing trips with my dad- (I'm a daddy's girl through and through). Speaking of childhood, i love memories, journaling, trying to remember everything, nostalgia.. but not in the "living in the past" kind of way i guess.. its not really a detrimental thing.
Capitalizing my i's mid-sentences is annoying, so i stopped.. for now.
I love parrots, and i miss my little parrotlet Ziggy very much. He flew away last december because i did something stupid.

Ziggy and me, about 3+years ago..

No, he is not a parakeet or a lovebird, but smaller than both of those, and surprisingly, is most closely related to the Amazon parrot.

I love food, duh. I like trying new things, most of the time; a nice departure from an extremely picky past. My favorites probably being thai and of course, familiar hispanic food, what i eat when i go back to DR, best food EVER. My favorite dish probably Sancocho, this awesome stew made with pork, beef, and chicken, root veggies, plantains.. served with rice, avocado, optional hot sauce and sour orange. I'm also obsessed with my mom's baking, especially banana bread.

Sancocho, with corn on the cob too! yay!

Apparently, my best skill is sleeping, which sounds pretty pathetic but i consider it a gift. i can fall asleep whenever i want, wherever i want, and for long periods of time if i can. Aaaand, i dont get woken up easily. I was a quiet bus baby.

I like writing, but usually not for school.. mostly just journaling and stream of consciousness type stuff. I love tea, I'm obsessed with gum, i love typography and photography, and as for sports, count me in for soccer, track, and hopefully rugby soon.

I love movies, and netflix is the best thing that ever happened to me. i watched 30+ movies in a month over the summer when i first got it. I like foreign films, because of the differences in conversation and cultural aspects, also your regular "indie/independent films..," popular comedies, and anything with audrey tautou, johnny depp, zoey deschanel, drew barrymore, robert downey jr., gael garcia bernal, penelope cruz, among others.. also, im a big big fan of Tim Burton and Wes Anderson. Tim Burton's Nightmare being the reason i found out what stop motion animation was- loved it since the wee years. :)

Audrey Tautou (Amelie, Da Vinci Code, Coco Before Chanel, He loves me, He loves me not)

Gael Garcia Bernal (Motorcycle Diaries, Science of Sleep, Y tu mama tambien)
Well, this is turning into a novel, so i'm done for now.

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