Monday, January 11, 2010

1/11 Screenings

I have always been ridiculously jealous of good stop motion. Mostly drawn stop motion because it seems so ridiculously difficult and time-consuming.
I hate you, william kentridge... (but not really.)

Michael Gondry, coincidentially enough, i mentioned one of your films in the About Moi section. i loooved science of sleep. but i havent seen it since it came out on DVD so i might have to order it off netflix again.. :) oooo, youre french, how excellent. Enchante!
YOU created the White Stripes video for Hardest Button to Button?! Really?! I used to watch that over and over again, loved it so. I am now smiling.

The lego version of Fell in Love with a Girl too?! ahhhh!!!
I like you, M.Gondry, i do.


wow i am so happy. Gondry, darling, you have even managed to work for Daft Punk?! Around the World? {embedding is apparently disabled by request for this video.. but heres the URL: } and trust me, it looks much better
if youre actually watching the purchased DVD.

Speaking of Daft Punk, who else has had the fabulous pleasure of experiencing them LIVE? because i think my brain exploded that night, and no amount of shitty digitally recorded footage (with terrible sound, i might add) from that concert will ever be able to demonstrate the pure awesomeness of that concert.

Jan Svankmajer.. stop motion. yaaaay!
...... damn, this czechoslovakian is fantastic.

Clay sex:

So, while youtube search for these videos to share with whoever wants to read my little blurbbb here, i came across a version of Alice in Wonderland done almost entirely in stop motion, which happens to be the same movie my friend Cory and I attempted to watch off of netflix one night. Sadly, 'Alice' did not withstand our ADD test. But im sure it is wonderful in full. Look it up.
So, i could go the straight up clay route for my stop motion project..? grab some terra-cotta from those 25lb bags that keep disappearing on the pottery wheel.... a little build-and-destroy type project, not just animating a clay figurine.
And who can forget the Brothers Quay? creepy, pre-Tim Burton genius. I'm sure he loved them. gotta look that up. .... okay so further research reveals that "The Quays are equally hesitant to draw analogies between their shorts and the works of Tim Burton, suggesting that his mise en scène is more closely related to the tradition of horror." okay fine, so the two contemporaries are a little different, well i love them both just the same. :D
Remind me to actually buy a Brothers Quay DVD.. Film quality, very smooth, refined, tragic, a sad statement on the material corruption of our world.

An excerpt from Street of Crocodiles...

And finally, the reason i ever became interested in stop-motion in the first place.. cliche i know, but i do love tim burton and i DO love Nightmare Before Christmas and i DO know every song in the soundtrack.. <3

This is Halloween!

~Au Revoir

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