Monday, March 15, 2010

Next project.. fragmented sound!

Christian marclay mini documentary

-makes art from unintended sounds
-defects on a record that other people don't want
-omg he makes record pie! by far one of the coolest record-related things ive ever seen.
-off center records, amazing! scary ghost whine
-got interested in sound through performance art

Steve Reich "It's Gonna Rain.."

-specifically known for work where he used looped sounds to emphasize a certain point
-i would like the repetition more if he made it more of a beat box type piece.. added more different sounds before the listener got bored or frustrated with the current one. has a loooot of potential to sound really interesting in my opinion
-he's breaking down this one phrase and showing us that there are a lOT of really different individual sounds in that one phrase
-i think some parts would be more effective with pauses and spacing between the segments (like 'its gonna rainrain' while seeing the e=mc boat footage)

Karlheinz Stockhausen
-worked with Nam June Paik
"helicopter string quartet"

- sounds like evil robot helicopters. transformers type deal
-ooo weird human noises. dying robots
-desperate messages.
-gosh this reeks of transformers. at least my memory of transformers. but not really, maybe just what movies portray crazy alien audio codes to sound like.
-its so bizarre how the helicopters are flying aimlessly. and put together they really look like a little group of Giant flies.
-theyre on a mission, its certain.
-the ending was anticlimactic, too abrupt, inconclusive.


--chaos of sound
-national anthems?
-cultish, made so by the voices in unison along with the creepy background high pitched whine.
-rewinds the sound? its faaaar away now, faint, like something is spying on this cultish group and its looking around.. coming closer.. a creepy little robot insect spy :)

Henri Chopin:
-breathing, steps in slow motion? clogs? horses? slow motion hooves?
-creepy dinosaur grunts
-that thing is going to EAT you.
-judging by the title, its probably some form of abstracted human speech/throat vibrations
-tuning fork
-feedback, high pitched whine. microphonesss

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