Monday, March 22, 2010

Fragmented Sound Crit!

Emily Sneeden
1. cacophony! the backdrop beat becomes overwhelming REALLY quickly, which i guess works for the tension between chaos and order, order being the speech which goes from the forefront to the background, im much more interested in the hollow rain drop sounding drum beats than the man talking, and i wish all the extraneous noise would just go away. haha
*note: the following is NOT the clip i was responding to above!*

**Victoria: check out the parts where the dude drags the heel of his hand on the drum, and it makes that droplet noise that is very typical to this type of indian drumming. i looove it :)**

i like the end section when the 'ff' voice sounds better with the new electric keyboard/synthesizer (video-gamey) noises..
2. hip hop circus. plus some wonderful butchery of classical music in the background. a little schizophrenic. every time the rap starts up i feel like its about to get really good in the way the beats relate, but its a little tease, because it always stops right as you feel it starting up. the end gets a little frantic and annoying.

Ryan Rudock
1. soft strings, creepy overtone, gets really dramatic, faster, sounds a little arabic, then stops suddenly and gets soft again. high pitched drama starts again..
2. rolling voice sound waves

Joel Ramnaraine
1. pop. pop. so much pop. 90s commercial pop. scratched 90s cd. really annoying. but that kinda what we all expected for the first loop. what i like the most is the beat on the background of the 'yeah' parts.
2. haunted house! breathing/beating in the background. cups being overturned. walking through the house. anxiety. twilight zone. very movie like. not experimental but more what youd expect in a video, except the main 'creeper' sound is very repetitive and prevalent. oh, i looked up to the title, and it is the twilight zone. =)

Kelsey Olson
1. they were starting up the film audio and the tape caught or the record was scratched and everyone was running around trying to figure out how to fix it. its got the old sounds, which i love. then it segways into a repetitive sound wave loop which seems to be having severe technical difficulties i dont feel like someone created this, it feels like the file was corrupted when downloaded, so great job! its obviously much more fascinating knowing you created the loop.
2. Didgeridoo sounds for SURE. flamboyant man with shitty spanish skills, that was amazinnggg. strange monkey noises and random altered sounds. yay for humour!

Leslie Dulfer
1. really? is the sun really going to blow up? because that cheesy techno backbeat is taking away all possible credibility. DDR at an arcade. epic sounding, its a video game adventure.
2. downpour! you were under a tunnel hearing it from afar then the car exited the tunnel. the repetitive rain loops sounds like windshield wipers that start wiping the window over again before they get to the other side. schizo wipers!

Nicole Pennington
1. perfectly illustrates the social networking craze right now. i like it because it helps me visualize the amount of people that are buzzing about things like twitter and related topics. it emulates the feeling of channel surfing and finding some dude talking about the same shit on each station. very effective, mostly because of its role as social commentary.
2. someones trying to really hard to communicate several ideas and is totally failing. of youre not paying attention you brain tells you its completely coherent english, and when you listen closely its completely confused, muddled, you cant make out ANY words. pretty impressive if you ask me.

Jim Kirkwood
1.interesting mix between semi- recognizable religious preachings.
2. jabberwocky!

Kirstin Anderson
1. uncomfortable breaks and transitions. messed up exercise video!
2. hawaiian ukulele and faucet drops as well as a really nice background voice. nothing is very jarring so far, its a new kind of background music. beachy, so obviously i love it.

KT Stemper
1. whenever the woman starts to sing i think either opera or a tidbit of a moby song (because of the other sounds in the track) the light instrumental aspects make it like the soundtrack to a play or scene in a movie.
2. I LOVE the beginning of this. the strange beats at the beginning make it extremely interesting. then it becomes a little more mysterious and electronic, theres a light shower in the background, some spooky robot shiiiat, and more amazing beats. this has got to be one of my favorites.

1. the piece of song almost seems really out of place but it kinda works.. i wish that wasnt the repetitive element though. it also sounds like part of a movie soundtrack, the song in the background over some kind of exciting/motion-rich scene.
2. messing with bass strings in an unusual manner.. a weird space video game plus pinball machine, the guitar is lovely but doesnt seem to fit too well. vibrationsss,, vocal chords? (supposed to be heartbeats..?)

Melissa Bonnewell
1. piano introoo, irish somethings, separate clips, repetitive line about sausage, irish country folk singing,.. something.

1. art of war.. i read that book in senior year of highschool hehe. i was also gonna use a clip from it but didnt.. i like the beats mixed in near the middle with the voices.

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