Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Artist Presentations, 3rd Wave

(missed the 2nd, was filming a title sequence for the group event project)

Pipilotti Rist-
"Ever is Over All"
-feminist video artist
-woman dressed in blue dress and red heels moves/skips/walks happily through a street carrying a rod that kind of looks like a flower, the video is in slow motion with a childish/tribal soundtrack, a policewoman comes up next to her and smiles and waves like everythings okay, then the woman goes and smashes a car window, a sound that breaks the calming soundtrack, she continues happily...

Martha Rosler-
"Semiotics of the Kitchen"
-also feminist
-going through the alphabet displaying an object for each letter.
-as she progresses through the alphabet, her display of the objects becomes more aggressive, representing the frustrations of a woman trapped in a gender role at the time.

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